9:09 PM

5 Overlooked Characters from Star Wars
A lot of work went into making the Star Wars saga. A lot of designers and costumer coordinators worked together to make the Star Wars universe look real. A lot of actors collaborated to (occasionally)  make the characters in the Star Wars universe feel human.

Some of those characters you know and love. Like, for example, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, Han Solo, Obi-Wan Kinobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, etc... Many of these characters, however, you may have overlooked. 

Lucky for you, I've created a list of 5 characters from the Star Wars movies that you might be interested to know a little bit more about.

1. Kit Fisto

Kit Fisto appears briefly in both Episodes 2 and Episodes 3. In Episode 2 you briefly see Kit save C-3PO's life. C-3PO, if you recall, had been decapitated and re-assembled as a OOM battle droid (albeit, an inferior one). Kit Fisto sent C-3PO-OOM flying with a the force push, effectively ending C-3PO's short lived killing spree. 

You might also remember him for his cheesy smile that he throws at C-3PO right before he blasts him. 
Kit can also be seen in many of the scenes that feature the entire Jedi council (since he's a member).

Kit appears in the third episode when Mace Windu confronts Darth Sidious. Darth Sidious, surprisingly spry for a on old man, quickly dispatches of Kit Fisto.

Some interesting things to note about Kit Fisto:

- He developed a light saber that can be used underwater
- He is featured as a main character in the animated cartoon series "The Clone Wars."
- His head tentacles are highly sensitive olfactory receptors that allow him to detect pheromonal expressions of emotions

2. Lobot

Lobot is the chief administrative officer of Cloud City, serving under Lando Calrissian. You might have noticed the strange head-phone-like robotics attached to his head. This is a device that connects his brain directly into the computer system of Cloud City. 

He appears only in one episode of Star Wars, episode five where he doesn't really have any lines, but he is very stoic. 

There is really not a lot of interesting facts about Lobot, except how he got his name! His name was originally Lando's Aide and had many lines within the script. However, film makers decided that his character had been lobotomized (a neuro-surgical procedure in which the connections to and from the pre-frontal cortex were cut from the brain). This lead to "Lobot." 

3. Ponda Baba

Ponda Baba is a wanted man on twelve star systems.

You might recognize him from the first installment of Star Wars (Episode 4). You will likely recall when Luke and Obi-Wan enter the cantina in Mos Eisley and Luke is accosted by a pig-faced man (Evazan) and this fellow: Ponda Baba. 

Obi Wan promptly removed Ponda Baba's arm. This wasn't the end of Ponda however. Far from it. After a failed attempt at repairing his arm (that almost cost his life), Ponda kidnapped a senator and tried to trade brains. Pretty crazy stuff. 

4. IG-88

Boba Fett is pretty great, but the bounty hunter IG-88 is so freakin' amazing. How he was created is awesome, how he lived is awesome, and how he died is awesome. 

His only appearance is in Episode 5. He has no lines, but is just in the line-up of bounty hunters that Darth Vaders hires to hunt down Solo. That alone should let you know that he's awesome.

To sum up his life, scientists tried to create a super amazing droid, the only problem was that they created a droid that could think autonomously. Oops! So IG-88 killed all of the scientists and cloned himself 3 times. So then there was 4 super BA droid robots roaming the galaxy committing crimes and claiming bounties. 

How did he die? Well, there was four of "him," and i won't tell you all of the ways he was defeated. But I will tell you one of his deaths. You see, IG-88 had grand schemes for ruling the galaxy and what not. So, unbeknownst to the emperor, the rebellion or anyone for that matter, IG-88 implanted his own consciousness (which is a program, remember) in to the Death Star. Yup. IG-88 actually took over the Death Star. The only problem was timing... You see, poor IG-88 implanted himself in the Death Star right before Luke's fateful shot destroyed it. 

Poor, poor IG-88.

5. Jek Tono Porkins 

This man's original casting was for Jabba the Hutt. Yes, he was going to be a stand-in for Jabba the Hut. 

But instead, he became one of the heroic rebel pilots that was destroyed in the death star attack. He only has one short appearance in the first film where we see him flying an X-wing alongside Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles. What makes this man worth your attention? Well, nothing really. He plays a minimal role, has no lines, and is blown up shortly after his debut in the movie. 

See? This is him blowing up.

But his name is Porkins and he has the nickname of "Piggy." I guess that's what makes him so great.

So long Piggy. So long.

Well, there's my list of 5 Star Wars characters you might have noticed, but should maybe notice a little more. There is a tonne of other characters that deserve your attention, but as any self-respecting Star Wars fan can agree, you should definitely be aware of these characters.

When you see them in the films next time, make sure to tell your friends! Also, feel free to like this post and follow this blog for more exciting Star Wars information!

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12:08 AM

Star Wars Backgrounds
Here are some of my favorite Star Wars background pictures! Enjoy!

This is just a really well done version of the words, you know? I really like the coral/mint color scheme they've got going on.

I don't know if there is any significance behind the triangle, but the silhouetted Luke and Death Star in the background is really cool.

Classic, don't you think?

This is an image from the Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. I really like it because it's the dawn of well, the better movies I suppose. And I'm a Tarkin fan.

Oh what?? How did this get in there? This is actually a picture I made about 4 years ago when I dressed up as Luke Skywalker for Halloween, gave myself a red light saber and crudely spliced myself in next to the Emperor. 

*sniff* I was his favorite apprentice *sniff*.

Well there you have it! With the exception of the last photo those are all pretty good backgrounds for a computer/tablet/phone or whatever. Don't leave home without your Star Wars folks!
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9:34 PM

Why Boba Fett Isn't My Favorite
Well, the people have spoken, and the winner (by a landslide) was... Boba Fett! I should have guessed as much. Just for the record, I didn't vote for Boba Fett. However, true to my word, I will hopefully shed some light on why Boba Fett is no longer my favorite bounty hunter in the Star Wars universe.

I'll start by refreshing your memory. In the current official Star Wars cannon, Boba Fett makes his first appearance in Episode Two. Boba Fett is a clone of the mostly awesome bounty hunter Jango Fett. You remember Jango Fett... His head was lopped off by the purple light saber wielding Sam Jackson Mace Windu. At any rate, Jango Fett was great, though short lived. Boba Fett sees his father die, and then isn't heard from again.

Until, that is, Episode 5. Put everything you know about the Episode-2-Boba-Fett in the recess of your mind, because Boba Fett was originally created in Episode 5. Here Boba Fett appears as the BA bounty hunter that everybody knows him as. Maybe because his costume is possibly the coolest costume in all of Star Wars, or maybe because he's so terribly mysterious, Star Wars fans instantly fell in love with Boba. In reality, he hardly does anything in the films... He does find Han Solo. We can credit him with that. However, he is ultimately disposed of in a mostly embarrassing manner, and presumably eaten by the sarlacc monster.

But how could such a Bounty Hunter as Boba die without even giving up a worthy fight? No, Star Wars fans wouldn't allow it. So, shortly after the release of the original trilogy, Boba Fett's back story was written. Moreover, his escape from the Sarlacc Pit was also written (it should be noted that no one other than Boba Fett has ever escaped the Sarlacc Pit-- That's got to count for something, right?).

The post-movie-era books on Boba Fett were pretty good. I haven't read all of them, but what I have read is mostly good. You can get a good sense of Boba's personal moral code and capabilities from those books.

Boba's back story however, was quite possibly the best, let me say that again, the best Star Wars short story ever written. That's all there was originally, was one short story, written by Daniel Keys Moran in 1996. Here lies the traveshamockery that is Boba Fett.

I won't go into too much detail about Boba's Original story, but you can read it by clicking here (once you open the page, do a word search for "The Last One Standing," and you'll find it). Essentially the story goes like this: There was an honorable and good man named Jaster Mereel. He was a law enforcer of sorts on the planet "Concord Dawn." He learned that one of his comrades was corrupt, and so he... "took care," of the problem, if you know what I mean. Anyway, the punishment for killing a fellow law enforcer was exile, but the people were willing to forgive Jaster if he would admit that he made a mistake. Feeling justified in his actions, Jaster refused and was exiled. Years later, Jaster returned as Boba Fett. That's a summary of the story, but trust me, the story is much cooler than that. Jango Fett was Boba Fett's adopted son.

Then came along George Lucas. George Lucas took Boba's beautiful back story out back in the alley, and brutally murdered it. This is one of George's greatest sins.

So much for Boba being a BA. Instead, he's just a clone. A boring and lonely but very profitable clone. The really interesting part is that George tried to cover the whole thing up! The character Jaster Mereel actually still exists in the official Star Wars cannon. His story is largely unchanged (he even adopts Jango Fett as his son), only he never comes to adorn the Boba Fett title... In the end, he is betrayed and  killed.

Better yet, in the post-movies official cannon, Boba Fett's ends up changing his name to Jaster Mereel, gets a job on Concord Dawn as a law enforcer, and commits the EXACT SAME CRIME as his adopted Grandfather, the original Jaster Mereel. Good job George. You always fix everything.

Now, Boba Fett is still a really cool character. I love him. But I hope this post illustrates that before the prequels were released, he was an even better character. Don't get me wrong, I still think he's a BA... But I can't call him my favorite because, frankly, he's been tainted. 

If I had to pick a favorite bounty hunter in the Star Wars universe, I'd have to pick the oh-so-unlucky IG-88. 

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8:53 PM

Bounty Hunters

There are a lot of bounty hunters in the galaxy. Nothing screams "BA," quite like a bounty hunter (in my opinion). So, for today's post I'd like to ask, which bounty hunter do you like best?

If you needed someone dead, which bounty hunter would you hire?
pollcode.com free polls 

Please comment if your favorite bounty hunter wasn't listed, and don't forget to follow/like this blog! Thanks!

Also, if you don't know who some of these bounty hunters are, don't worry. Here are some links to find out more:

Boba Fett            Dengar          Aurra Sing            IG-88
4-LOM                 Zuckuss        Bossk                    Cade
Cad Bane            Morrigan       HK-47                   Jango Fett

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